Distance Dubbo Wongan Hills

Roadmap Dubbo (New South Wales), to Wongan Hills (Western Australia)

3,011.6 km0 m0h0mn

    ** Route generated in :: 1.6673 **

    Distance from Dubbo (New South Wales), to Wongan Hills (Western Australia)

    Dubbo is a city located in New South Wales and his population is 32,327 inhabitants.Wongan Hills is located in Western Australia and his population is 1,062 inhabitants.

    The distance from Dubbo to Wongan Hills is 3,011.6 km in a straight line.

    In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Dubbo, 02 to Wongan Hills, 08. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Wongan Hills and Dubbo, as well as different trip duration. .

    Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Dubbo to Wongan Hills.

    Distance by car
    Duration by car
    Cost Fuel (Gasoline)
    Cost Fuel (Diesel)
    Distance by bike
    Duration by bike

    By car, the distance is about 0 m, for a travel duration of 0. The cost Fuel is around 0 for a diesel vehicle and around 0 for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

    Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Dubbo in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Dubbo or in New South Wales.

    If you want to see the route between Dubbo and Wongan Hills by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Dubbo to Wongan Hills will be updated accordingly.

    Rent a car in Dubbo (New South Wales)

    If you want rent a car to do a trip from Dubbo to Wongan Hills Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Dubbo thanks to Compare rental.

    Distances from Dubbo to main cities

    Distance from Dubbo to Perth 1896548 inhabitants 143 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Dubbo to Armadale 62296 inhabitants 155 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Dubbo to Kwinana 30433 inhabitants 173 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Dubbo to Rockingham 108022 inhabitants 180 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Dubbo to Mandurah 83294 inhabitants 205 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Dubbo to Bunbury 68248 inhabitants 289 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Dubbo to Kalgoorlie 31107 inhabitants 455 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Dubbo to Albany 33650 inhabitants 473 km from Wongan Hills

    Distances from Wongan Hills to nearby cities

    Distance from Wongan Hills to Moora 1770 inhabitants 74 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Wongan Hills to Toodyay 1144 inhabitants 77 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Wongan Hills to Northam 5855 inhabitants 84 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Wongan Hills to Lower Chittering 1396 inhabitants 96 km from Wongan Hills
    Distance from Wongan Hills to Cunderdin 1130 inhabitants 98 km from Wongan Hills

    Distances from Dubbo to nearest airports

    Dubbo Distance from Dubbo to Dubbo 4 km
    Narromine Airport Distance from Dubbo to Narromine Airport 36 km
    Warren Airport Distance from Dubbo to Warren Airport 95 km
    Mudgee Airport Distance from Dubbo to Mudgee Airport 101 km
    Parkes Airport Distance from Dubbo to Parkes Airport 105 km
    Coolah Airport Distance from Dubbo to Coolah Airport 108 km
    Cudal Airport Distance from Dubbo to Cudal Airport 116 km
    Coonabarabran Airport Distance from Dubbo to Coonabarabran Airport 119 km
    Orange Airport Distance from Dubbo to Orange Airport 136 km
    Forbes Airport Distance from Dubbo to Forbes Airport 140 km

    Dubbo local overview

    Time zone : Australia/Sydney
    • Country : Australia
    • Capital : Canberra
    • Population : 32,327
    • Iso code : AU / AUS
    • Dialing code : +61 / 0061

    Places close to Dubbo

    Distance from Dubbo to Bumberry Dam Recreation Area 101 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Apex Memorial Park 46 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Anzac Memorial Park 88 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Armstrong Park 101 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Apex Park 44 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Binnaway Racecourse 104 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Barden Park 1 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Bell Park 46 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Berryman Park 113 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Biddybunge Park 4 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Blackman Park 98 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Burrendong Dam National Park 70 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Burrendong Park 70 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Billy Dunn Park 88 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Bill Delaney Park 102 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Burrendong Arboretum 69 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Burrendong State Recreation Area 73 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Bore Flat 95 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Cahill Park 100 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Cale Oval 35 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Cameron Park 46 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Cheney Park 108 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Cudgegong River Park 74 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Centenary Park 67 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Cooke Park 107 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Dundas Park 35 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Elston Park 2 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Cudgegong Park 94 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Cudgegong River National Park 74 km
    Distance from Dubbo to Edward Mcglynn Park 109 km

    More distances

    Largest cities near Dubbo